Educational Media

You have a story to tell. We bring it to life.

Trifoia media production crew shooting in studio. SME is in front of camera.

Trifoia is about much more than eLearning and online training development.

Our award-winning media production team enhances learning experiences with captivating video and animation.

Trifoia video production reel

Play Video about Trifoia Video Production reel screenshot

Trifoia animation demo

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Live videos and animation to engage your learners.
With Trifoia media production, learners see realistic demonstrations of effective skills, then practice those skills to reinforce new behaviors.

Why video?

It’s a proven technique for engaging audiences.
Our media producers work with you to:

Identify goals

Understand your subject matter

Recommend the best approach

Trifoia’s media production department offers a full menu of services:


Location Scouting
Licensing and rights management


Live action video
(4K and HD)
Audio recording
(character and avatar creation)
Motion graphics


Video editing
Audio sweetening
Closed captioning
Translation and localization
Compression and encoding

Still unsure about educational media?

Photo of 12 Telly Awards on a white background

...or maybe our 12 Telly Awards for excellence in video will convince you.

View our case studies

Lane County Gambling Awareness Website

Gambling 101

Trifoia’s dual-language animated videos helped a large public health agency spread awareness about problem gambling.

Blackfulness app


Trifoia produced animated mindfulness and stress management videos for a mobile app tailored to Black users.